Main Settings

Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team


These are the main settings and where you should start.

  1. Slug of Account Area: This is the slug that will be the URL for your account area. By default it is /account. If you want to change this please do so and then reset your permalinks.
    1. This will create a custom post called "accounts" where you add your endpoints.
  2. Types of saved objects: This is your wishlist but it can get more advanced and complicated as you want. You will probably only want one so keep it as wishlist. If, however, you want to have more - add them comma-seperated. An example could be "wishlist, applied, paid". This will create 3 lists each for a different purpose.
  3. Saved Types Relation: This is for the above setting. If you have more than one you can change the relation. 
    1. No relation means you can add to all of them.
    2. Add to ONLY one means that when you add to one list, it will remove it out of the previous one. However if we use the example above and you add it to "paid", it will add to the others too as they are in order.
  4. Types of disliked objects: This is your dislike list - add the name of it here.
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