Using Custom Loop Templates

Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team


In this documentation, we will discuss using custom loop templates in the Divi Ajax Filter plugin. Custom Loop templates are a convenient feature for those looking for a faster template with full control.

Steps to Create Custom Loop Templates

  1. Copy an existing Loop Template from our plugin to your child theme in this structure: /wp-content/themes/[YOUR-CHILD-THEME]/divi-ajax-filter/loop-templates/
    1. Divi Ajax Filter
      1. /wp-content/plugins/divi-ajax-filter/lib/loop-templates
    2. Divi Machine
      1. /wp-content/plugins/divi-machine/includes/modules/divi-ajax-filter/lib/loop-templates
    3. Divi BodyCommerce
      1. /wp-content/plugins/divi-bodycommerce/includes/modules/divi-ajax-filter/lib/loop-templates
  2. Your file can be named custom-template.php and it will be automatically loaded or you can name this file anything you like and it will show in the Custom Loop Template dropdown in the module settings allowing you to create multiple templates
  3. Modify your template file with any code you like to build your template - we do not provide support for custom loop templates or their development. 

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