Getting started with calculable fields

Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team


Calculable Fields is a powerful feature seamlessly integrated into the Divi Form Builder. Whether you're a seasoned Divi user or just starting out, this documentation is crafted to guide you through harnessing the full potential of Calculable Fields within the Divi Form Builder environment.

What are Calculable Fields in Divi Form Builder?

Calculable Fields enhance the capabilities of Divi Form Builder by allowing you to introduce dynamic calculations into your forms. From basic calculations to sophisticated mathematical expressions, Calculable Fields empower your forms to respond dynamically to user inputs, creating a more engaging and adaptive user experience.

Key Features within Divi Form Builder:

  1. Flexibility: Define and implement a wide range of calculations directly within your forms.
  2. Real-time Updates: Witness the power of dynamic updates as your calculated fields respond instantly to user interactions within the Divi Form Builder interface.
  3. Scalability: Whether you're working on a small contact form or a comprehensive survey, Calculable Fields scales effortlessly within the Divi Form Builder, ensuring consistent performance.
  4. Conditional Calculations: Ensure your calculations only happen when a condition is met.

Getting Started with Calculable Fields in Divi Form Builder:

Our documentation is designed to guide you through the process step by step. Here's a preview of what you can expect:

  1. Calculation Options: Understand the different options of where to run and show the calculation based on form data.
  2. Basic Operations: Gain hands-on experience with fundamental calculations to integrate dynamic elements into your forms.
  3. Advanced Concepts: Dive into more intricate scenarios, exploring the full potential of Calculable Fields.
  4. Troubleshooting: Discover tips and tricks to troubleshoot common issues.

Adding the Calculation Field to your Form

We have added a new field type called "Calculation Field". This field controls your formula, calculation method and display method.

Showing the Calculation Result

You have the option to show the result on the frontend of your site and an option to show it within your emails (either the admin notification, confirmation email to form submitter or both).

Result in Emails

To show the calculation result within your emails, you are able to utilise the dynamic tag %%result%%. It is important to ensure you have no form fields with the ID result as this will conflict with the calculation result. 

Results on the frontend

If you'd like the calculation result to be visible on the frontend, enable the option "Show result on frontend?". This will provide you with a WYSIWYG editor allowing you to control the content surrounding the result. See the below screenshot for an example, note the usage of %%result%% to display the calculation.

What next?

Now that you have the calculation field in place and you have setup how you wish to show the calculation, it's time to decide how you wish to run the calculation (server-side or frontend). Click Here to find out more.

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