Hide Form After Submission


The Divi Form Builder module includes a feature that allows you to hide the form from the user's view after they successfully submit it. This can be particularly useful for enhancing user experience by providing a clear visual indication that their submission has been received.

Enabling Hide Form After Submission:

  1. Access the Form Builder Module: Start by opening the Divi Form Builder module within your page or post editor.
  2. Navigate to the Content Tab: Within the Form Builder module settings, click on the Content tab to access various content-related settings.
  3. Main Options Section: Look for the Main Options section within the Content tab.
  4. Enable Ajax Submission: In the Main Options section, find and enable the Ajax Submission option. This setting is crucial as it allows the form to submit data without reloading the page, which is a prerequisite for hiding the form after submission.
  5. Activate Hide Form After Submission: Just below the Ajax Submission option, locate the setting labeled "Hide form after submission" and enable it. This action will set the form to automatically hide once the user submits it successfully.


  • User Feedback: Consider adding a success message or redirecting users to a thank-you page to provide feedback that their submission has been processed, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Testing: After enabling this feature, it's important to test the form submission process to ensure that the form hides as expected and that users receive appropriate feedback upon submission.

More Support?

Please email us at [email protected] if you are unable to get Divi Form Builder working.

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