Step 4: Style a Protect Section

Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team

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Follow this information to style your Protect Section.

Style With Divi Module

If you have chosen to add your protected content to your Divi website using our module, then you will be able to style the form using the Design Tab.

Style With Divi Protect

If you have chosen to add your protected content to your Divi website using a short code, then you will be able to style the form using Divi Protect.

Style The Form Field Text

Each element is clearly labelled and so you should not have difficulty.

Style The Form Border

Each element is clearly labelled and so you should not have difficulty.

Style The Form Button

Each element is clearly labelled and so you should not have difficulty.

More Support?

Please email us at [email protected] if you are unable to get Divi Protect working.

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