Divi Nitro Minify

Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team


This feature minifies and combines your WordPress Divi website. Please be aware that this powerful feature may break your website. If it does then first try to exclude certain scripts from the queue or add the problem script into a new queue.

Step 1: Check Enable Helper

Enable the helper, clear cache and save.

Step 2: View On The Frontend

Go to the frontend and click NitroMinify. You will then see a list of Javascript and CSS. 

Step 3: Copy & Paste A JavaScript

Copy one script from the Javascript area, paste it into the Javascript Minification Queue and click save.

Step 4: View Minified JavaScript

This script has now been minified, speeding up your website.

Step 5: Repeat For Javascript & CSS

Continue this process for the rest of the Javascript and CSS. Either add each script into a new queue or, even better, into the same queue. However, you may need to exclude (remove) particular scripts.

More Support?

Please email us at [email protected] if you are unable to get Divi Nitro working.

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