Step 3: Create A Custom Post Type
Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team
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Follow this information to create a custom post type.
Add New Post Type
Make your way to Divi Engine > Add/Edit Post Types, create a New Post Type and customize the settings. After you enter the post type name, Divi Machine will auto-populate the settings. Most of the settings you will want to leave as default. For more information on each setting please scroll down to the bottom of this page.
Admin Sidebar Icon
You may want to change the Admin Sidebar Icon. For this setting visit the dashicon website, select an icon name and paste it into the space provided.
View New Post Type
Now your new post type is visible on the left-hand side of your wp-admin dashboard. Here you will be able to add as many individual posts as you would like to this particular post type. Repeat this process making as many post types necessary for your dynamic Divi website.
Post Type Settings
General Settings
- Post Type Name: Set a unique name for your post type. Eg. `Projects`
- Post Type Slug: Set a slug for your post type. Slugs should only contain alphanumeric and latin characters. Underscores should be used in place of spaces.
- Description: A short descriptive summary of the post type.
Post Visibility
- Public: Show post type in the admin UI.
- Show in Admin Sidebar: Show post type in the admin sidebar.
- Show in Admin Sidebar Position: Select a position.
- Admin Sidebar Icon: Change the icon using this website.
- Show in Admin Bar: Show post type in the admin bar.
- Show in Navigation Menus: Show post type in Navigation Menus.
Advanced Options
- Taxonomies: Enable if you would like custom categories and tags to be created for the posts. You can do more with our modules if you enable both boxes.
- Supports: Choose the options that you would like to support, for example, “comments” or “featured image.”
- Enable Gutenberg: Enabled Rest API Support and the Gutenberg builder on your custom post.
- Prettify URL: Enable to prettify your URL. It will change the URL to be post-type/category/single instead of /post-type_category/single. NOTE: Does not work with Hierarchical categories.
- Exclude From Search: Enable this to exclude the posts that you create in this custom post from the search.
- Enable Archives: Enables post type archives. Post type key is used as default archive slug. You can enable “custom archive slug” to define a name different to the slug.
- Custom Archive Slug: Add a custom archive page name. Use lowercase and no spaces.
- Custom Post Slug: By default, we will use the slug above, but if you want to define a custom post slug, do so here.
- Hierarchical: Enable so that your posts have descendants.
- Rewrite: Should WordPress use rewrites for this post type?
- With Front: Should the permalink structure be prepended with the front base? (example: if your permalink structure is /blog/, then your links will be: false->/cars/, true->/blog/cars/)
Specify the labels for the custom post in this section.
More Support?
Please email us at [email protected] if you are unable to get Divi Machine working.