Step 5: Add Advanced Custom Fields
Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team
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Follow this information to add ACF fields.
Add New Field Group
Click on Custom Fields and Add New Field Group. A field group is a collection of custom fields.
Define The Location
Define the location of this field group by selecting Post Type is equal to the name of the post type that you have created in Divi Machine that you would like this field group and its fields to be associated with.
Add A Field
Create and customize a field. Note that you are able to create as many fields as you need.
Select Field Type
The Advanced Custom Fields plugin gives you many options for the field type. Field type basically means the type of information. For example, do you want to use letters, numbers, images, files, URLs, email addresses, number ranges, select, checkbox, radio buttons, etc. It is important to think about this as it will affect the final outcome of your Divi website. The most common are text, number, link, image, range, select, checkbox and file. Click HERE to see more information on each field. Please note that we currently do NOT support the following fields:
- Button Group
- Page Link
- Relationship
- Taxonomy
- User
- Date Picker
- Date / Time Picker
- Color Picker
- Flexible Content
Create Image Gallery
The free version of ACF does not allow for the image gallery field type and so we have built a way around it. To add an image gallery as a field select the Group Field Type and then add as many subfields as you want images. As you can see in the image below I have added 3 subfields, one for each image of the image gallery. Each image has a Field Label, Field Name and Field Type of Image. Make sure that each of your subfields have the names Image 1, Image 2, etc. and that the Field Type is Image.
More Support?
Please email us at [email protected] if you are unable to get Divi Machine working.