Post Carousel Module
Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team
Follow these steps to learn how to use the Post Carousel module.
Step 1: Add Post Carousel Module
Make your way to the page of your choice and add the Post Carousel Module.
Step 2: Customize The Post Carousel Module
After adding the Post Slider Module you will need to customize it by defining the Post Type and Custom Loop Layout. Please view the Post Carousel Module settings below.
Post Carousel Module Setting
Main Options
- Post Type: Select a Post Type.
- Custom Loop Layout: Select your Custom Loop Layout.
Loop Options
- Post Status: Select the status of posts to display.
- Post Count: Define the number of posts to display.
- Post Display Type: Select default or related to filter.
- Related Content: Select categories or tags to filter.
- Include Categories: Define category URLs to filter.
- Include Tags: Define tag URLs to filter.
- Choose Your Taxonomy: Select a taxonomy to filter.
- Include Custom Taxonomy: Define taxonomy URLs to filter.
- Filter By ACF Name: Select an ACF field to filter.
- ACF Value: Define the ACF value.
- Sort Order: Select how to order your posts.
- Order: Select the ordering direction.
Extra Options
- Equal Height Grid Cards: Enable to make each grid card the same height.
- Link Each Layout To Product: Enable to link the whole Custom Loop Layout to the post.
- Align Last Module At The Bottom: Enable to align all modules from the bottom.
Carousel Settings
- Desktop Posts In View: Define the number of posts to display on the desktop.
- Desktop Post To Slide: Define the number of posts to slide on the desktop.
- Tablet Portrait Posts In View: Define the number of posts to display on the tablet.
- Tablet Portrait Posts To Slide: Define the number of posts to slide on the tablet.
- Tablet Landscape Posts In View: Define the number of posts to display on the landscape.
- Tablet Landscape Posts To Slide: Define the number of posts to slide on the landscape.
- Enable Arrows: Enable to display arrows.
- Previous Icon: Select the previous icon.
- Next Icon: Select the next previous icon.
- Allow Color: Select the arrow colour.
- Enable Dot Navigation: Enable the dot navigation.
- Dot Color: Select dot colour.
- Dot Active Color: Select active dot colour.
- Center Mode: Enable the centre mode.
- Center Mode Padding: Select the position.
- Autoplay And Delay: Define the autoplay and delay.
- Slide Speed: Define the speed of the slide.
- Infinite Scrolling: Enable infinite scroll.
More Support?
Please email us at [email protected] if you are unable to get Divi Machine working.