Repeater Module

Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team

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There are two ways to use the repeater module

One: ACF Item Repeater

Repeat ACF values in a grid or list using our ACF item module inside the Repeater module.

When to use it?

If you need to have multiple ACF values next to each other. It is often used in the loop layout to show a preview of the most important values in a row.

Do I need ACF Pro?


Two: ACF Repeater Field Type (ACF Pro Only)

Use the Repeater Field Type by ACF to create layouts that can be repeated over and over.

When to use it?

If you want to have more flexibility and give the customer the opportunity to repeat elements. ACF Pro adds a β€œRepeater” field where the user can add fields that will be repeated. You can use the repeater field type to create the following.
  1. Layout replicated again and again (like testimonials)
  2. Tabs
  3. Tables
  4. Accordion

Do I need ACF Pro?


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