Thank You Page

Written by the Divi Engine Documentation Team


Follow this information to create a Thank You page.

Step 1: Create A Layout

Make your way to the Divi Library and create a new layout. Note that you can only use the thank you page modules for this page. For more information on the modules to add to the Thank You page, visit the "Thank You Page" section of our documentation found on the menu to your left.

Step 2: Assign The Layout

Go to Divi Engine > BodyCommerce > Thank You page and assign your template.

Step 3: Test The Page

To test your Thank you Page enable Cash On Delivery in WooCommerce, Select a product and go through to checkout paying with cash. After proceeding with the payment you will be redirected to your custom Thank You page.

More Support?

Please email us at [email protected] if you are unable to get Divi BodyCommerce working.

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